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Frederick Elementary School


Fax: (580) 335-5088

520 East Mimulus

Frederick OK 73542



I am an excellent Frederick Elementary student.
I practice leadership and communication skills using a positive manner.
I am honest, demonstrate integrity and show respect in all of my relationships.
I cooperate, apply innovation and use sportsmanship at all times.
I do this daily because I Value being a Frederick Bomber.

Vision: Creating an environment committed to the development of the total child.

Life Principle: Propriety – Standard of what is socially acceptable in conduct or speech
“Etiquette is behaving yourself a little better than is absolutely essential.” -Will Cuppy


FES Parent/Guardian Pledge

School Family Engagement Policy


An image of Laura Yeager

Laura Yeager

An image of Evelyn Barrera

Evelyn Barrera



Calendar of Events